A Few Tips and Things to Consider for Scaffold Safety



As a construction worker, installing a scaffold or multiple scaffolds is simply part of the job. It makes things far more accessible and ensures that multiple jobs can be completed at once with a safe working platform established.

However, as just mentioned, a safe scaffold is important and it will only be beneficial for your work if it is set up properly and the safety of you and others is taken into account when erecting and utilizing the scaffold.


Below are a few tips to help you ensure that the scaffolding you use is safe for you and others on or near the site:


Slow down and use efficient tools

There is always a risk of doing things too quickly when you have done something multiple times before and believe that you know everything about the job. The danger associated with this is the fact that there are always different risk factors present at each location and therefore these all need to be evaluated before you start work.

This is also the case whilst completing the work as you are up high and if you rush you may cause personal injury. Investing in tools that are going to allow you to work quickly and safely is often a good idea when operating on a scaffold as the cost will pay off in the long run.


Keep the workspace organised

An easy way to avoid injury for yourself and reduce the risk of others surrounding the scaffold getting injured is to ensure that the workspace around you is tiding. Slips and trips account for a high number of workplace injuries and keeping the floor space tidy will reduce the likelihood of this happening.

It also helps to reduce the chances of tools being knocked off the scaffold and hitting people below – whether they are construction workers or civilians. This is one of the most important things to consider when setting up and using the scaffold.


Identify Hazards

This is crucial to ensuring the long term safety of the operation. Things may initially seem fine but when erecting a scaffold it is important to evaluate all levels of likelihood of danger to eliminate the risk of injury to those in the surrounding area.

Ensuring the ground that the scaffold will be placed on is firm and won’t be impacted by things like rain or flooding and be sure to avoid powerlines as these also present a danger. All other dangers should be within the construction site however any overhanging parts that venture into the boundaries of the street must also be evaluated for civilian danger.



Before erecting and using scaffolds it is important that you are trained. This should be the job of the construction manager as they should only be allowing those with training to utilise the scaffolding.

The training involves a number of different area entailing both safety measures and the actually erecting and utilisation of the scaffolding. Ensuring that the scaffolds are firmly placed both on the ground and that each element is connected properly goes a long way to guaranteeing overall safety.

New users should be walked through the process by an experienced worker multiple times to guarantee the safety of the structure. Additionally, it should also be checked by another trained member of the team before being used.

Safety is of the upmost importance on a construction site with so many different things going on all at once. Scaffolds are one of the most common causes of injury and therefore it is essential that all safety measures are adequately followed.